„Together we are stronger“


Hotel Hermitage PRAGUE

20 October, 2023


About the event

Come and join us for the 2nd edition of the Central and Eastern European Health & Fitness Summit organised in Prague, Czech Republic.

One day full of interesting presentations and panel discussions is a unique opportunity to meet, share experience and get new inspiration for fitness development in your country.


9:30 Opening ceremony

9:45 - 10:45 Session 1

Fitness as a part of the health care solution

Unique business opportunities for clubs to offer more than just exercise for "pure fitness clients" (open door for seniors, teenagers, patients with civilisation diseases).

International framework, representation and objectives (World Active, Europe Active)

Andreas Paulsen, EuropeActive, Denmark

Active Hungary as a govermental iniciative, Public Health product tax system in Hungary

Lilla Szekeres, Active Hungarian State Secretariat, Hungary

Patient Perspective: Exercise Specialists - Are We Ready to Take a Leap?

Veronika Všetíčková, European Liver Patients' Association, Belgium

11:00 - 13:00 Session 2

Fitness as high quality personal service / exercise is the new power

How to attract new members, retention, sustainability of club operations, technologies, teamwork

Recruiting inactive participants - insights from behavioural science

Ian Redpath - The Behaviouralist, United Kingdom

The Membership Cycle - How to improve Your sales, income and keep Your members active

Tomasz Napiórkowski, Founder of Polska Federacja Fitness, Sales & Operations Director at Orangetheory Fitness Poland, Poland

Personal trainer of the new generation - who is a trainer of the new generation and how to become one, basic pillars for the start, growth and long-term success of a trainer

Tomáš Pošvanc, CEO & Founder POŠVANC FITNESS, Slovakia

FITcert, Elevating Fitness Clubs to the Highest Standard

Gert-Jan Kieft, Kiwa Infra & Sport, the Netherlands

Panel discussion

13:00 - 13:45 Lunch

13:45 až 15:45 Session 3

CEE best practice examples

Medical fitness - how to create a symbiosis between prevention and active lifestyle - Hungary

Laszlo Zopscak, Hungary

Tax deductibility - public benefits/motivation for active people, companies - Romania

Kent Orrgren, Romania

Fitness business as part of national industries and strategies ("Active" initiatives - best practice examples of how to inform, involve and inspire local business communities, local authorities) – Czech Republic

Jana Havrdova, Czech Chamber of Fitness, Czech Republic

15:45 - 16:00 Closing remarks


This event is in English language. 

9:30 Opening ceremony

9:45 - 10:45 Session 1

Fitness as a part of the health care solution

Unique business opportunities for clubs to offer more than just exercise for "pure fitness clients" (open door for seniors, teenagers, patients with civilisation diseases).

  • International framework, representation and objectives (World Active, Europe Active)
    Andreas Paulsen, CEO EuropeActive, Denmark
  • Active Hungary as a govermental iniciative, Public Health product tax system in Hungary
    Lilla Szekeres, Active Hungarian State Secretariat, Hungary
  • Patient Perspective: Exercise Specialists - Are We Ready to Take a Leap? Delve into the patient perspective on the pivotal role of exercise specialists in enhancing the quality of life of patients. We'll explore the current landscape, unmet needs and the potential for transformative collaboration between patient and fitness communities.
    Veronika Všetíčková, European Liver Patients' Association, Belgium

13:00 - 13:45 Lunch

11:00 - 13:00 Session 2

Fitness as high quality personal service / exercise is the new power

How to attract new members, retention, sustainability of club operations, technologies, teamwork

  • Recruiting inactive participants - insights from behavioural science
    Ian Redpath - The Behaviouralist, United Kingdom
  • The Membership Cycle - How to improve Your sales, income and keep Your members active
    Tomasz Napiórkowski, Founder of Polska Federacja Fitness, Sales & Operations Director at Orangetheory Fitness Poland, Poland
  • Personal trainer of the new generation - who is a trainer of the new generation and how to become one, basic pillars for the start, growth and long-term success of a trainer
    Tomáš Pošvanc, CEO & Founder POŠVANC FITNESS, Slovakia
  • Panel discussion

13:45 až 15:45 Session 3

CEE best practice examples

  • Medical fitness - how to create a symbiosis between prevention and active lifestyle - Hungary
    Laszlo Zopscak, Hungary
  • Tax deductibility - public benefits/motivation for active people, companies - Romania
    Kent Orrgren, Romania
  • Fitness business as part of national industries and strategies ("Active" initiatives - best practice examples of how to inform, involve and inspire local business communities, local authorities) – Czech Republic
    Jana Havrdova, Czech Chamber of Fitness, Czech Republic

15:45 - 16:00 Closing remarks

Keynote speakers

Jana Havrdová

Czech Republic

Gert-Jan Kieft

the Netherlands

Tomasz Napiórkowski


Kent Orrgren


Andreas Paulsen


Tomáš Pošvanc


Ian Redpath

United Kingdom

Lilla Szekeres


Veronika Vsetickova


Laszlo Zopcsak


09:00 – 9:30


9:30 – 9:45

Welcome and introduction

Andreas Paulsen, EuropeActive CEO; Jana Havrdova, Czech Chamber of Fitness President

9:45 – 10:15

EuropeActive Strategy for 2025 – Moving Forward Together!

Andreas Paulsen, EuropeActive CEO

10:15 – 11:00

Roundtable No. 1: Fitness sector and its current position in Central and Eastern European countries

Representatives of National federations

11:00 – 11:15

Coffee break

11:15 – 11:45

Professional standards for exercise professionals and workforce up-skilling

Julian Berriman, EuropeActive Professional Standards Committee Director

11:45 – 12:30

Roundtable No. 2: Fitness professionals in Central and Eastern European Countries – a problem or a solution?

Representatives training providers and club owners

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12:30 – 13:30

Networking Lunch

13:30 – 14:00

Demonstrating the quality of Fitness facilities with FITcert – it’s a game changer

Andy Brees, Europe Active Health and Fitness Industry Consultant

14:00 – 14:45

Roundtable No. 3: An insider perspective on the need of professional standards for the sector

Representatives C&E European Operators

14:45 – 15:00

Partner presentation – eFitness

15:00 – 15:15

Coffee break

15:15 – 15:45

The Active Ageing Communities project – putting policy into practice

Paolo Caserotti,  University of Southern Denmark 

15:45 – 16:00

Partner presentation – Learningbank

Stine Schulz, Learningbank CEO & Founder, Katrine Schelbli, Learningbank COO

16:00 – 16:30

The #BEACTIVEDAY campaign and the power of European collaboration

Cliff Collins, EuropeActive, Jana Havrdova, Czech Chamber of Fitness

16:30 – 16:45

Partner presentations – FIBO and Lenus eHealth

16:45 – 17:00

Summary and concluding remarks + invitation to the ISM 2022

David Stalker, Andreas Paulsen, Jana Havrdova

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Hotel Hermitage, Prague

Svobodova 1, 128 00 Prague 2

Hotel Hermitage Accomodation 

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Public transport

Albertov, trams: 14, 18, 24

Výtoň, trams: 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 21